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The COMS follow-on, Geo-KOMPSAT-2A (GK2A, located in 128.2o E) was successfully launched on 5 November 2018 and will be operational in this July by the Korea Meteorological Administration(KMA). It will continue to detect the dangerous weather in its early stages over Asia-Pacific area, and will be also utilized in various fields such as climate changes monitoring, hydrology and so on.


Follow-up Geostationary Meteorological Satellite

01. Development of GEO-KOMPSAT-2A

GEO-KOMPSAT-2A is under development and planned to be launched in 2018.
The number of channels of GEO-KOMPSAT-2A will be increased from 5 to 16 and the number of meteorological products from 16 to 52, respectively.
Its ability of full disk scanning of every 10 minutes will make it possible to response promptly to disasters.

Performance comparison between COMS and GEO-KOMPSAT-2A

Performance comparison between COMS and GEO-KOMPSAT-2A
Number of Channels Spatial Resolution(km) Observation Cycle(times/hour)


0.5-1(Vis), 2(IR)


02. Development Program for GEO-KOMPSAT-2A

03. Payload Development

The observation performance will be improved with advanced meteorological Imager(AMI) on GEO-KOMPSAT-2A.
Space Weather Sensor with domestic technology will expand the area of the space weather capability

Performance comparison between COMS and GEO-KOMPSAT-2A

Performance comparison between COMS and GEO-KOMPSAT-2A
Number of meteorological products(EA) Data transfer rate(Mbps) Design life time(year)




04. Development of ground station

NMSC has been developing the ground station to operate GEO-KOMPSAT-2A since 2014.
For non-stop operation and real-time data service, back-up systems will be equipped for all components and
the remote data storage will be implemented for enhancing data security.

05. Development of data processing and application technology

NMSC plans to produce 52 kinds of products and develop 4 types of base technologies in the field of meteorological data processing.
Also the applications system will be developed to provide the customized information over the Now-casting, NWP, Typhoon/ocean, climate changes
and environmental weather monitoring, and converging technology area.

06. GEO-KOMPSAT-2A Data, Products, and Applications

NMSC/KMA has started to develop 52 meteorological products (23 day-1 and 29 day-2) for GEO-KOMPSAT-2A (GK-2A)
since 2014 for applying now-casting, numerical weather prediction, climate, and so on. All products are developed by 4 development teams
which are Cloud and Precipitation, Radiation and Aerosol, Atmosphere and Aviation, and Scene Analysis and Surface Information.
The detailed Algorithm Theoretical Baseline Document for each product will be provided in near future.

07. GEO-KOMPSAT-2A Data Formats and Volumes

NMSC/KMA is planning to develop the ground segment that will receive data from GK-2A spacecraft, generate real-time GK-2A meteorological/space
weather products and disseminate data via GK-2A broadcasting. The top-notch Information & Communication Technologies and scientific capabilities
will be applied to handle the vast volume of GK-2A data in real-time manner consistent with user requirements. The data dissemination mission via
GK-2A will include all sixteen channels meteorological data in Ultra HRIT (tentatively named as UHRIT) format as well as HRIT/LRIT broadcasting
corresponding to five channels of COMS.

08. GK2A Sample Data

[ Version 2019-4-15] day

GK2A Sample Data
File Name File Type(zip) File Size
GK2A First Image DATA [download] nc 1.3 GBytes
GK-2A AMI Calibration Table [download] xlsx 3.6 MBytes
GK-2A calibration_table [download] TXT 1.2 MBytes
Sample_code(Python) [download] py 2 KBytes
sample_code_description [download] PDF 47 KBytes

[ Version 2019-05-29 ]

GK2A Sample Data
File Name File Type File Size
20190415_GK-2A AMI Conversion Table_v3.0 [download] xlsx 3.60MB GK-2A AMI Conversion Table
20190415_conversion_table_v3 [download] zip 1.31MB GK-2A Conversion table for sample code
20190524_gk2a_level_1b_data_user_manual [download] pdf 1.37MB GK-2A Level 1B data user manual
20190516_sample_code2 [download] py 8.70KB GK-2A Level 1B data processing sample code2(python)
20190516_sample_code2_description [download] PDF 69.1KB GK-2A Level 1B data processing sample code(python) description
20190509_sample_code_ifort[download] f90 9.39KB GK-2A Level 1B data processing sample code(fortran)
201905100300_gk2a_ami_level_1b_sample_data [download] nc 1.16GB GK-2A Level 1B sample data(2019.05.10 03:00UTC)
GK2A_ImageEditor_Linux_20191021[download] zip 123MB GK-2A User Customized Imagery Processing Tool and guidance(Linux)
GK2A_ImageEditor_Windows_20191021[download] zip 85MB GK-2A User Customized Imagery Processing Tool and guidance(Windows)
MDUS SW Install Manual for GK2A HRIT_v1.0[download] pdf 4.21MB MDUS SW Install Manual for GK2A HRIT_v1.0
MDUS SW Operator Manual for GK2A HRIT_v1.0[download] pdf 2.35MB MDUS SW Operator Manual for GK2A HRIT_v1.0
MDUS[download] tar.gz 1.6GB MDUS.tar.gz